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EP 76 | End of Year Review – 2022

Writer: Dr. Norma ReyesDr. Norma Reyes

EP 76 | End of Year Review – 2022

At the end of every year, before jumping into planning your new year it’s important to conduct your own end of year review.   You need to reflect and release on your past year so that you can begin to move forward with ease and flow.

Listen to hear my podcast’s own End of Year Review and how you can do your own too!

I invite you to join me for my End of Year Review Masterclass.  Click Here to Save Your Spot!  

It’s important for you to create a routine of reflection and release. Grab a journal and begin to reflect on the following 👇🏽

Here are the end of year review questions to ask yourself:

  1. What is a goal you are most proud of accomplishing this year (quarter/month/week)?

  2. What were some challenges you faced in this year (quarter/month/week) that kept you from reaching your goals?

  3. Take a moment to still in your feelings and thoughts.

  4. Take a moment to think about everything that is no longer serving you.

  5. What are you still holding onto from this year (quarter/month/week) that is taking up space (mentally, emotionally, physically)?

It’s time to let go of what is no longer serving you…

  1. Goals that don’t inspire you

  2. Shoulds… expectations of others

  3. Beliefs that are holding you back

  4. Routines or habits that don’t meet your needs

  5. And anything else that is keeping you stuck…

The best way to move forward is to let go of what is no longer serving you and working on making adjustments/improvement as needed to meet your goals. 


  1. Click Here to learn more about my career coaching services. 

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Thank you for listening to them manifest your career podcast with me your host Dr. Norma Reyes, a career and mindset coach. Learn more about my coaching today at

Are you interested in 1:1 Career Coaching? 

Dr. Reyes offers 1:1 Career Planning & Mindset Coaching.  

  1. Learn everything you need to know about using your mindset for career development

Build a new career mindset that helps you be in alignment with your life purpose

  1. Embody the successful and confident Latina you’ve always known you can be

I’m here to help you reconnect with yourself, with your intuition and inner knowing

You’ve been working hard to have the career you want but… haven’t seen any results. Your career is stagnant, frustrating, and  disappointing.

You weren’t taught how to navigate your career.  You were taught that your hard work would speak for itself in your career. You see everyone else moving forward, having the career growth you desire for yourself. 

Meanwhile you’re feeling frustrated all day at work.  Leaving you wishing you were further along in your career. But again, you’re not even sure where to start. You look back at your career and keep wondering “how did I get here?” 🙈

It’s okay. Life Happens.

You’re exactly where you need to be. Now is the time to do something about it. You are now ready. 

Now you can take action.

👉🏽 Click Here to learn about my coaching services.

Schedule a discovery call today! Manifest Your Dream Career with Norma Reyes Career Mindset Coach

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