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EP 04 | Are You Listening to Your Intuition?

Writer: Dr. Norma ReyesDr. Norma Reyes

EP 04 | Are You Listening to Your Intuition?

Have you been rushing or avoiding your decision-making?  Not sure. In this episode, I talk teach you how to feel your intuition when making decisions. 

You’ll also learn some easy ways to understand what approach you’re currently taking to your decisions and how to use your intuition and what you can do to follow your intuition versus listening to others.

This is Episode Four I talked about how to tune in to your intuition. You probably have heard lots of advice on how to manage or develop your career. And I can say that I’ve heard plenty of bad advice. I’ll even share a few stories of the “bad” advice I’ve been given during this episode. And how I wish I had follow my intuition. 

I really want to help you guys learn how to tune in to your intuition by having you answer a few questions. So here is the first one, are you really listening to what your inner voice isn’t rising? Or you rushing to answer to stop thinking about the decision? 

Take a moment to think about that.

The first part of the question is, are you really listening to what your inner voice is advising? This  might be a feeling or a little tug, you may be even feeling a little anxious? And the second part of the question is, are you rushing to answer to stop thinking about this decision? 

Here’s the key, whether you’re following your intuition, or you’re not, if you’re still thinking about it, if you’re still ruminating, and you’re not excited about the decision you made, and you’re like, should I have done that? Should I have done XYZ, and you’re up at night, and you’re still tossing and turning, and you’re reviewing your decision over and over again, then you are not listening to your intuition. 

Especially if it’s keeping you up at night. Try to journal it out. What about this decision is giving you anxiety?  Only you can answer that, I can give you a handful of questions to think about but you may just need to sit in silence. to really feel your decision on what about it is making you feel anxious? 

Listen to the full podcast episode to help you get in tune with your intuition and work on the journal prompts to guide you in trusting your intuition more.


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Thank you for listening to them manifest your career podcast with me your host Dr. Norma Reyes, a career and mindset coach. Learn more about my coaching today at

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Dr. Reyes offers 1:1 Career Planning & Mindset Coaching.  

Learn everything you need to know about using your mindset for career development

Build a new career mindset that helps you be in alignment with your life purpose

Embody the successful and confident Latina you’ve always known you can be

I’m here to help you reconnect with yourself, with your intuition and inner knowing

You’ve been working hard to have the career you want but… haven’t seen any results. Your career is stagnant, frustrating, and  disappointing.

You weren’t taught how to navigate your career.  You were taught that your hard work would speak for itself in your career. You see everyone else moving forward, having the career growth you desire for yourself. 

Meanwhile you’re feeling frustrated all day at work.  Leaving you wishing you were further along in your career. But again, you’re not even sure where to start. You look back at your career and keep wondering “how did I get here?” 🙈

It’s okay. Life Happens.

You’re exactly where you need to be. Now is the time to do something about it. You are now ready. 

Now you can take action.

👉🏽 Click Here to learn about my coaching services.

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