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Celebrating the Winter Solstice

Writer: Dr. Norma ReyesDr. Norma Reyes

Today was the first year that I intentionally celebrated the winter solstice. Before I share what me and my family did I’ll share a bit on my journey with a shaman. Today I went in for my third session in the last month or so. 

I started seeing a shaman to help me release and uncover what’s holding me back.  When I scheduled the appointment I didn’t even consciously realize it was on Winter Solstice.  I am actively working in integrating my feminine energy more and reconnecting with pieces of me I have lost or forgotten.

She walked me through various reconnecting journeys. Afterwards she asked me to do give an offering to Mother Nature at the closest body of water. Gathering sticks, rocks, twigs as offerings.       My husband, kids, and I did this after work. I truly enjoyed seeing them gather the items and then tossing them into the river. 

I had some flowers from earlier this month that I brought with us to give as an offering. As I continue on this spiritual journey, connecting with nature, and starting new traditions.  

Even just taking a moment to understand the winter solstice and history is enough to give thanks. You may know that the winter solstice is the shortest day of the year. Daylight is the shortest and night is the longest. The winter solstice is also the mark of winter. 

If you’d like to find a way to celebrate the Winter Solstice at home, here’s a few things you can do:

❄️ Take a moment to pause and celebrate the feminine energy the winter solstice represents. Winter is a time for us to pause, reflect, and just be. Our bodies want to slow down. Take a moment to honor that and to honor Mother Nature and the feminine energy darkness represents. 

❄️ Cleanse and declutter. Pick an area of your home or space to declutter and make space to receive. This can be as simple as organizing your mail, throwing out old food from  the pantry or just picking up the living room.  By clearing your physical space you create space mental space for you to be able to handle stress and challenges better.

❄️ Decorate trees with treats, this gives animals food during these cold winter months. You can add nuts, fruits, and/or anything else that is safe for animals to consume. This will provide for them when food is more scarce for them. 

❄️ Journal on how the feminine energies provide in darkness to rebirth and transform us. Reflection and journaling is a great way to reconnect and release what is no longer serving you. Currently we are in the darkest phases of the lunar cycle. Use this energy to reflect and release so you can be ready for the New Moon energy.

👋🏽 Hi there, my name Norma Reyes, PhD. I’m a Career Mindset Coach and Moonologer. I combine my skills to provide spiritual Latinas with unique career coaching that uses the lunar cycles to plan their career move.

👉🏽 Click Here to learn about my coaching services.



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