Everyday we face challenges that really make us question our confidence and self love. Here are some affirmations to help you combat the negative self talk you may be having.
I acknowledge my own self worth.
I am a positive being aware of my potential.
There are no blocks I cannot overcome.
I am my best source of motivation.
I attract positive people into my life.
I make a difference by showing up every day and doing my best.
I’m doing my best. I am becoming a better version of myself.
One day at a time I am becoming a better version of myself.
I am worthy of having what I want.
I am grateful for my journey and its lessons.
I am so proud of everything I have accomplished.
I accept compliments easily.
I am confident that I’m going to be okay.
Even if I don’t know what’s next. I am confident that I’m going to be okay.
I am willing to question challenge can reprogram my beliefs.
Everything is possible.
I am open to creative and new solutions.
I appreciate all that I have.
I allow everything to be as it is.
I enjoy going with the flow.
The more I let go, the better I feel.
I live from a place of abundance.
I believe in my abilities and express my true self with ease.
All I need is within me.
I am braver than I think.
Listen to these affirmations below
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